

I recently purchased a copy of Gen Timothy Ruggles' portrait - Gen Ruggles is my 6th great grandfather. Can you tell me were the original portrait can be found? - D. Tolstrup

Whenever I am on the Library of Congress’ site, I always think of the volume of images, maps and documents they house and how limited their distribution seems to be so. It is refreshing to see what you are working on. - Nichole

THANK YOU for having this photo available. Anastasio Somoza was my maternal Grandfather. - Edda

Just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with my print. It arrived a short while ago in excellent condition. I was pleasantly surprised that it also came much earlier than anticipated. This is going to look lovely in the frame we purchased quite some time ago. In fact, I was so pleased with this print, even though it is very hot & humid, I couldn't wait to bring the frame down from our attic. As soon as the button for FB turns up, I will definitely leave you 5 star FB & highly recommend you to others. Thanks!

The engravings arrived today. Very nice reproductions. Thank you. I'll continue to do business with you. As to the name of the boxer, remember that CMC was an abolitionist who lived by his word. CMC was a political confidante of Lincoln, who made him Ambassador to Russia. CMC was a cousin of HC and Lincoln admired HC above all other statesmen. CMC dueled with knives, pistols and fists over slavery. He published an abolitionist newspaper, The True American, and was a war hero. He fought in the Mexican-American war, was wounded and was, reportedly, a real ladies man south of the border. Lincoln had a fondness for Kentucky. He was born here and his wife, Mary Todd, was from Lexington. The Todds were friends of Henry Clay. Lincoln's closest friend was Joshua Speed of Louisville and Lincoln's second attorney general was James Speed, the brother of Joshua Speed. Trust you are staying warm in the Old Bay Colony. - Mark

Just wanted to follow up with you on this. We received the framed print yesterday and, as promised, itis truly exquisite. The framing was done very professionally, and I could not be happier with the final product - it was a big hit. I have just one question/favor. Do you have any information on this Tampa photo (where it was taken, map location, etc?) We were trying to figure it out last night but things have changed so much on the waterfront that it was hard to tell. I'd be interested in anything you could provide - please let me know. Thanks again and all the best in the new year. - Nicole

Thanks so much. The map is for my son who lives in Ann Arbor and is currently a grad student at UMich. - Phoebe

Wow, thank you. This is really great. My sister and I were honored to be able to go with him to Metz and the surrounding little towns to the 65th reunion of the 95th Infantry Division. It was startling to see French school children waving French and American flags in parades in villages as the American veterans passed through (there were only 20 of them who made the journey). It's a school holiday in that region of France, to remind all of the people, young and old what the Americans did to liberate the French people, and they do these ceremonies each year, to continually teach the younger generations. Quite an amazing thing. Anyway, it brought tears to my dad's eyes, and he told us, as he recalled many memories, of Lafayette's involvement, both military and financial, in aiding us in our own war for independence. Lafayette was from the same region in France that was so hard-fought over in two wars by American men. You probably know the WWI battle cry, "Lafayette, we are here!" our GIs came to the aid of France. Thank you for your consideration and kindness in this matter. - Nancy

I do see where the border is in that picture. My father is a World War 2 veteran and just received the Lafayette Medal for the 65th anniversary of the Liberation of Metz and is very proud of the French-American connection throughout the centuries. I just want to make sure this is right. I did look at the color print of Washington and Lafayette on horses and perhaps this is a better choice-- he is a collector of antique prints and maps. Many thanks. - Nancy

Thanks for your kind note! You are correct about my being interested in the Capitol, but your comments prompt me along a different line -- the architect of the capitol, Latrobe, is credited also with being the architect for a mansion that was in my family from its building in about 1815 to its demolishment in 1915, known as Brentwood Mansion, which was a great social center in Washington particularly during the Grant Administration and after (the mansion's owner, retired Naval officer Carlisle Patterson, knew Grant from 1850, and Carlile's brother-in-law, David Dixon Porter, was Grant's naval commander in the capture of Vicksburg and later became the top admiral in the Union navy; Carlile's brother, Admiral Thomas Harman Patterson, was also career Navy and commanded the Asiatic Fleet at the time of Grant's post-Presidency round-the-world tour that ended in China and Japan). I have a number of photos and watercolor paintings of the mansion that would be quite suitable for your business. Also suitable for your business are lots of other photos that my aunt has -- such as Ambassador Bryn and his family, naval officer Francis Winslow (I) (1818-1862), etc. Ambassador Bryn's hobby was photography -- I have boxes and boxes of glass plates. These are from the 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, etc. There are also lots of small photos from the 1860s of Winslows, as well as photographs of paintings of individuals. The ambassador's daughter Laura was the Society Page reporter for the Washington Post in the 1920s and she saved many 8 x 10 prints of young society women that ran in the newspapers then, which include captions to identify who they are. Perhaps you have a system for collecting such images and including them in the list of images for sale. Best Wishes. - Edward Sisson

This photo you sent is a real treat, since these are my grandparents. People considering buying this may appreciate the following. Date & place of photo: February 1927, Washington D.C. Occasion: photo issued in connection with announcement of marriage of Francis and Laura (March 1927). The first and only marriage for both. Publication: appeared in Washington D.C. newspapers. Laura Bryn: youngest child of the Norwegian Minister (Ambassador) to the United States, Helmer H. Bryn, who served 1910 to 1927. Age 23 at time of photo. Was a popular society figure, and a high-spirited 1920s "flapper."  

Francis Winslow: scion of an old Washington family (predating the founding of Washington). Yale/Sheffield Scientific School class of 1910. Age 37 at time of photo. Managed family real estate in Northeast Washington, developer of Union Market (then and still today the city's main wholesale food market). In World War I, as lieutenant of the 6th Engineers, Co. A, commanded his company in the Second Battle of the Marne (July-August 1918) after death in battle of his commander and wounding of the 2nd in command. Francis was a first-cousin once removed of Pulitzer Prize winning poet Robert Lowell (Lowell's grandfather, Arthur Winslow, was Francis' uncle). Francis' sister Harriet Winslow (also of course a first cousin once removed of Lowell) was one of the poet Lowell's favorite relations, to whom Lowell dedicated or addressed several poems, including "Soft Wood," whose summer home in Castine, Maine, Lowell often used as a retreat, and after whom Lowell named his own daughter. His other sister, Mary Nelson Winslow, a long-time advocate for women's rights in the labor force, was appointed by President Roosevelt (at the behest of Eleanor) to the Inter-American Commission on Women (Feb. 1939-April 1944). One of his 3 brothers, Pearson Winslow, was a financier in the 1920s to the 1940s with the "big six" Wall Street firm Bonbright, where he was partner of and successor to Alfred Loomis, founder of the Tuxedo Park research lab. Francis' uncle Arthur was one of the founders of what is today North Carolina State University, where he is the namesake of Winslow Hall. Arthur, a geologist and mining engineer, also served a term on the board of MIT. - Edward Sisson

Got it. Looks great. Thanks for all of your efforts. Great customer service. - Steven

Being the second great granddaughter for this amazing man is humbling to say the least. I want to know as many things as I can about him and surround myself in his history. So being able to order this picture from the seller means so very much. The picture came exactly as shown and it was protected by many layers of cardboard to ensure nothing would be bent and would come in excellent condition. The seller holds history with the utmost integrity and respect and that is something to be proud of. My name is James Collins. I am the great-grandson of Leonor F. Loree. I was thrilled to find and purchase repros of him. Thank you and my siblings (11 total) thank you. If you have any others please contact me. Thanks. - Jim

Hi, thanks for the contact. Your pictures are great!! My daughter is a social studies high school teacher in Illinois. I have been gathering things she can use to decorate her classroom. I am hopeful that your pictures might connect with the students. So, I purchased Lincoln, Grant and Buford because of their Illinois connections. I suspect they will have little knowledge of Buford in spite of his key role on the first day at Gettysburg. Sherman has a Midwestern connection and they likely know of the march. Chamberlain is more a personal connection. I am a Professor of Communication Studies at Northwestern University and Chamberlain was a Professor of Rhetoric. Rhetoric remains an area of inquiry in Communication. I doubt the students know that a professor let alone a professor of communication might be a military hero. I may purchase Phil Sheridan in the future since Sheridan Road runs through Chicagoland and students know it. However, in all probability, they have little notion of who Sheridan was!!! Take care. - Mike

I received your books yesterday. It was thoughtful to share your efforts. I am looking forward to this weekend when I sit down and look at all the photos. You will have to share with me the process you have to go thru to get these. The quality is quite remarkable. I know my dad is going to enjoy the Red Sox photos too. - Don

I just received my photo today of Edgar Allan Poe and love it, thank you. I was wondering if you have a photo of him sitting at his desk, writing? Thanks. - Shawn

Dear Sirs: My order arrived in a timely fashion and in good condition. I was very pleased with your service since the photos came a little earlier than specified. The photos themselves were of very good quality. I framed the two photos and used them for a historical presentation and tour of the Aknusti Mansion which was the summer estate for the Robert L Gerry family. Thank you. With appreciation. - Marian

Thanks. I'll definitely remain a client of yours. Sincerely, Pietro (in Italy)

I just received my portraits and they are great...they arrived in pristine shape. Is the portrait of Earl Rogers the noted criminal defense attorney? Thank you. - Rand

The canvas is perfect. Thanks for recommending it to me. Colors and details are excellent. Thanks also for the cards. We shall make good use of them, especially coming from this part of the country where so much of the war was fought. Best Regards. - Gene Pell (former Boston area TV anchor)

Received the print today. It's great! Thanks. - Lisa

We received our order today and it was great. The pictures (of Ireland) are beautiful and we really appreciate the personal service that you extended to our order. Thank you very much. - John, Clover House Pub and Restaurant on Church Road in Colchester, VT

Received the new picture today and I am very pleased. I want to thank you for taking care of this in a professional and timely manner. Sincerely. - Robert

Subject: Meusse Argonne Map. Just a quick note to let you know that my father received the map yesterday and is absolutely thrilled. Thank you very much for helping me find the perfect gift to help our family honor the memory of my grandfather who proudly and courageously fought in the Muesse Argonne Offensive in World War I. Kind regards. - Tony

Thank you so much for getting our maps out to us this week. We were delighted to receive them in time for our party on New Year's Eve. We love the L'Enfant print, so we are particularly thrilled you tracked that down for us. The framing looks great, too. Thanks again for your great service. All the best. - Erin

BIG THANK YOU. I got an Email today confirming that you shipped the present for my Mom of Historic Machias, Maine. I know you told me that you would not be able to get it out on time, but you did. I checked the UPS tracking and it will be delivered today the 24th. I really want to thank you guys for trying so hard. Merry Christmas to you all. Very much appreciative and respectfully. - Officer John Carroll, Fort Greely Police Department, Fort Greely, Alaska

Stanton and Anthony photo. Gentlemen, Stanton and Anthony photo arrived to my satisfaction and I'm pleased with both the photo and speed with which it arrived. I plan to do business with you again in the future. Sincerely. - Dick

Thank you so much!!!! I received the pictures yesterday. I want to say thanks for the wonderful service. I was so impressed with your prompt handling of the size mix-up. I will definitely recommend you to anyone in the market for old photos or maps. Thanks again!

Hello. Sorry for delay to answer you. I received your photos 17 of October but 16 October I leaved Paris for one month to travel in Russia. Only today I can see your fantastic prints of Prokofiev's photos from the Bain Archive. Thank you very much for add of greetings cards. Also thank you for refunding of overcharge by Amazon. This is very rare in actual life. Best regards. - Serge Prokofieff Jr. (grandson of the Russian composer Prokofieff)

I just received the cards today. Thank so much, the cards are so beautiful! I know that you will have great success selling these; I can't wait to show them to my family. Thank you again. Best. - Alejandra

Subject: Civil War Photo (M): A.L. Cassidy. I'm not really sure at this point if A. L. is a relative. We have done some genealogy on the Cassidy line but haven't connected all the dots yet. My grandfather who was born in 1889 in Illinois and was the youngest of eight sons. His father was also one of eight brothers that migrated to the US one or two at a time from Ireland between about 1847 to 1860. They settled in various places including Boston, Staten Island, Detroit and rural Illinois. I will definitely be following up on A.L.. I ran across your photo quite by accident as I was browsing the internet and happened on the Civil War Interactive web site. When I was in the military serving in the Pentagon I visited almost all of the Civil War battlefield sites within a hundred miles of Washington several times. This past summer my brother and I revisited several of these sites. We had a great time. While not dyed in the wool Civil War buffs we enjoy history and both of us have read a number of books on the Civil War. Of the sites we visited this summer Antietam was probably our favorite. It is the best preserved site and the least effected by commercial and real estate development. Gettysburg is a must see however and is making significant strides in restoring the battlefield to its 1863 condition. - David

The cards are really neat and look good. It may be that there was a scratch on the negative of the photo; nonetheless, it is a treasure. We had no photos of my grandfather as a young boy. Again, many thanks. - Diane

Hello, I am so sorry that I was busy and totally forgot to leave feedback for you on Amazon. I will do so and it will be stellar. The shipping was fast, convenient and safely done. And, most importantly, I was very impressed by the quality of the photo print. FYI, Thomas J. Rusk was my father's great grandfather and we collect what few items we find available on or about him. The photo that I ordered, was especially meaningful to me because it WAS taken from life and he and my late father bear a remarkable resemblance. Again, thank you for your wonderful item and I will leave feedback reflecting how impressed I was.

FedEx picked up and delivered the package in perfect condition. Thank you very much ... the print is beautiful. Merry Christmas. - Erika

I want to personally thank you for sending me an historic map of Rochester, New York. I'm having the print framed and look forward to having a lifetime of enjoyment with it. I'm always talking about my hometown and this way I can brag a little more. Please feel free to use my testimonial on your web site. Born and raised in Rochester, New York, I've always felt a deep sense of pride in my hometown. From my early ancestors who called Rochester their home, I've always wondered what life was like back in the 1800's. Today, thanks to the Snapshots of the Past, the past lives on in ways I never imagined. After purchasing an historic map of my hometown, I couldn't help but notice what makes Snapshots of the Past the place to shop. It's their high quality, high resolution printing process that makes each reproduction look like a true original. I was amazed at the clarity and how each and every little detail comes to life. Thank you for keeping history alive. - Patrick, Producer, ESPN, Farmington, CT